In Kindergarten we are learning how we see things. To do this we talk about the clouds and all of the different shapes they might shift into. We start by reading Little Cloud by Eric Carle. We watch as Little Cloud transforms into a sheep, a shark and even a clown! After Little Cloud spends his time changing he rejoins the rest of the clouds and helps to make it rain...
Once we've read the story we try our hand out and making our own shapes in the clouds. For this we use a potato! Yes, a potato. We use a half of a potato to be exact. A half of a potato makes a very nice natural oval stamp which helps to give our clouds a fluffy feel :)
On Day Two we looked at some pictures of clouds and guessed what we thought we might see... "a dragon, a tiger, a flamingo, a volcano!!" What can you see in these clouds??
After we see so many different images in the clouds, sometimes even in the same cloud, we talk about who might be right in that scenario. "If Max sees a ninja fighting an ice cream cone and Izzy sees a cowboy riding a dinosaur, in the same cloud, at the very same moment, who would be right? Izzy or Max?" After a lot of head scratching we finally conclude that they would both be right and that we are free to see whatever we want to in the clouds, in fact, the more diversity in what we see the more excited we feel!
After we cheer with delight at our discovery...we learn the hard part. Today we will each get a potato-made cloud back to transform into whatever we see, however, it will not be our own. At first we squirm and squiggle at the idea of handing our very own potato-made cloud over to the oh-so-grabby hands of one of our eager classmates...but then we realize, that we too are an oh-so-grabby eager classmate! And that getting our hands on someone else's very own cloud just to see what we can make of it may be pretty fun afterall....
So off we go!
"Dog" by Gus
"Garden I am Watering" by Kyan
"Bird Eating Seeds" by Leni
"Snake" by August
"Stars" by David
"Crocodile" by Emma
"Race Car" by Casper
"Monster" by Vivian
"?!" by Lydia
"Yellow Submarine" by Hugo
Check out Dutch Artist Berndnaut Smilde who can capture a Little Cloud!
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